Instructions for assignment: U.S. WRITER REQUIRED (write as if you are a 44 year old male in this course that is striving to teach full time instead of substituting) Below is the assignment DIRECTLY from the professor and the grading rubric. I will also upload information from the course up to this point for CONTEXT. The course is CONTENT AREA LITERACY for teachers to learn the subject for K-12 students. If you have ANY questions please let me know. Thank you!
Assignment Name: Kingdom of Kay Oss Simulation
Focus: Decoding, Comprehension and Motivation
This assignment involves a simulation (reading an odd text…drawing upon decoding comprehension, and motivation), reflecting, and answering questions about the experience in writing, applying course concepts/content.
Part 1:
Read the Kingdom of Kay Oss (right below) and answer the prompts.
Read this first…BEFORE looking ahead to the key/translation at the bottom! This is important! Otherwise, the assignment steps will not be worthwhile!
The Kingdom of Kay Oss
Once in the land of Serenity there ruled a king called Kay Oss. The king wanted to be liked by all his people. So one day thx bxnxvolxnt dxspot dxcidxd that no onx in thx country would bx rxsposiblx for anything. Zll of thx workxrs rxstxd from thxir dzily lzbors. “blxss Kzy Oss,” thxy xxclzimxd.
Now thx lzw mzkxrs wxrx vxry wvsx. But zs wvsx zs thxy wxrx, thxy dxcvdxd thzt thx bxst form of govxrnmxnt wzs nonx zt zll.
Part 2:
Consider this quote:
“Reading is a strategic act, which is another way of saying that successful readers use cognitive and metacognitve strategy so they can understand, respond to and even question and challenge the author’s ideas.”
Think about a time when you have struggled with a text: it may have been when you were young or maybe even with a more challenging graduate reading assignment. Answer the following questions on your own to help prepare you to respond to the assignment questions to follow.
Create a list of strategies you employ when you run into roadblocks to comprehension
How do they compare to some of the strategies introduced in the course?
Reflect and comment on the use of such strategies in your ownreading.
Relate some of these to what was happening when you initially tried to read the Kingdom of Kay Oss.
Reading is more than the total sum of all of the words.
Part 3:
In a Word document, include the questions below and respond in APA style paragraphs.
What prior knowledge did you call upon to make sense of the passage?
To what extent did your knowledge of stories influence your understanding and reduce the uncertainty of the task?
How often did you rely on your knowledge of:
Letter-sound associations?
Spelling patterns?
Relationships of words to each other?
Contextual meaning?
Did you risk being wrong in your attempt to derive meaning? That is, did you use context clues to guess unfamiliar words or just skip them?
Did you maintain sufficient speed when reading the selection to overcome the limitations of visual processing and short-term memory?
Questions included; double-spaced Word document used; and responses written in current APA style. 15 points
Responses include reflective, analytical responses about the Kay Oss reading simulation to each of the 5 questions and sub-components. 30 points
Responses include connections to course content/concepts. 50 points
Assignment submitted on time 5 points
Total Points =100
Reading Key/Translation
The Kingdom of Kay Oss
Once in the land of Serenity there ruled a king called Kay Oss. The king wanted to be liked by all his people. So one day the benevolent despot decided that no one in the country would be responsible for anything. All of the workers rested from their daily labors. “Bless King Kay Oss,” they exclaimed.
Now the law makers were very wise. But as wise as they were, they decided that the best form of government was none at all.