Paper details: Create a new political party for Puerto Rico. Describe the main principles of your party and what your platforms will be. What would Read More
Genogram Project information A genogram is a multigenerational graphic representation that diagrams structure, function and characteristics among Read More
Paper details: From research select one of the governors in the history of Puerto Rico. Write a 250-word post on his/her contributions and conflicts Read More
Paper details: Explain how the child centered strand (in the rights-based practice triggers in the engagement and assessment phases) helps considers Read More
Paper details: What are the current political economic problems facing North Africa and the Middle East? Share your opinions and ideas about the Read More
Paper details: What does it mean to "listen" to social media? What are some strategies that marketers use to listen to social media channels? How Read More
Choose some aspect of the Feminist criticism (not the entire theory, but a particular aspect) and apply that theory as a means of analyzing one of Read More