Find an article in your local newspaper about a local policy issue that affects you. For example, an article concerning your county's decision to Read More
Early models suggested that innovation was either pushed by science and technology or pulled by market needs/demand. Explain the technology push and Read More
Paper details: briefly outline the contributions of Sigmund Freud, Erik Erickson, and Lawrence Kohlberg. Compare and contrast the ideas of Freud Read More
Compare the social movements of the 1960s with the anti-globalization movement, immigrant rights, Occupy Wall Street, and the Movement for Black Read More
Identify one newsworthy macroeconomic indicator or policy (e.g., GDP, unemployment, inflation rates, interest rates, government taxation and spending Read More
Please do a close reading of a passage provided below. "The fact that you perceive some things, such as briny sea water, to be bitter as well as Read More