RACISM AT WORK PLACE Write a paper with the title racism at work place and connect the topic to course topics, themes, and materials. This will Read More
Write a 750-1000 word paper (3-4 pages) that examines at least three major issues, events, or ideas in American history since 1865. Use your textbook Read More
In your video be sure to discuss the following (in whatever order you choose): • Your background--where did you come from and why? Why did you Read More
Your assignment is to take what story you think was best this semester and compare and contrast it with the story you think was the least impactful. Read More
Digital Portfolio On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to: LO1: Critically appreciate a range of Read More
Over the last several weeks, we have reviewed topics related to various human service issues, and have discussed ideas and ways these issues are Read More
Anorexia Nervosa and adolescent females Choose and write an essay exploring a contemporary (current) practice topic that impacts on the mental Read More