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What is a relationship, and what three types of relationships exist? Provide a real world/application example for each of the three types of relationships
What is a relationship, and what three types of relationships exist? Provide a real world/application example for each of the three types of relationships
Posted by:Shadrack
Posted on:Oct 27,2022
Assignment help
Business rules
College essays
Database displays
File System Data Processing
QUESTION 1 Discuss What are some database functions that a spreadsheet cannot perform. QUESTION 2 :-Read chapter 1 of your textbook and review IGU
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Describe the purpose of the database schema for your project-Write out the process associated with your business rules relating to your database.
Posted by:Shadrack
Posted on:Apr 14,2022
Assignment help
Business rules
College essays
Database schema
Purpose of the database schema
Database Project Proposal Write a 750-1,000-word essay that contains the following information: Restate your database project; describe its
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