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Identify two standards that were not infused in the instrument selected for the critique. Some of the questions that could be considered to assess the cultural congruence of the instrument include (but are not limited to): Does the instrument take into account diversity issues?
Identify two standards that were not infused in the instrument selected for the critique. Some of the questions that could be considered to assess the cultural congruence of the instrument include (but are not limited to): Does the instrument take into account diversity issues?
Posted by:Shadrack
Posted on:Jul 18,2022
Account diversity issues
Assignment help
Beck Depression Inventory
College essays
Cultural congruence
Culturally Competent Instrument Critique Part 1: Select a psychiatric disorder or mental illness listed in the DSM-5, write a brief overview
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The Beck Depression Inventory and other brief assessments of symptoms have their uses and limitations. How can a brief assessment be used repeatedly during the course of treatment? How can the issues of practice effects and other factors related to repeating testing be addressed to get the most utility out of the test?
Posted by:Brian
Posted on:Oct 1,2020
Assignment help
Beck Depression Inventory
College essays
The Beck Depression Inventory and other brief assessments of symptoms have their uses and limitations. How can a brief assessment be used repeatedly
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