Analyze and write a Three page essay naming and discussing one type of American consumer debtUse at least one credible source to support your Read More
Description Complete and submit your semester-long public social media presence by writing a one-page summary of what you learned, including a Read More
Instructions Based on this week’s readings, write a 350- to 400-word essay based on the following question from this lesson's assigned textbook Read More
Comparison of U.S. GAAP vs. IFRS Study: Using resources for comparisons of U. S. GAAP with IFRS the write a research paper to compare the U.S. GAAP Read More
Description Create a brief summary of the research method, and then design your plan to use to investigate your research topic. Select a method Read More
Describe the problems in the U.S. healthcare system and how we might use another nation's healthcare system for reform. Evaluate how a new system Read More
Each student will submit a research paper on either a piece of legislation, an executive order, or a Texas Supreme Court case, enacted or decided Read More
Description In this video from NOVA: "Vaccines—Calling the Shots," learn how vaccines help the immune system protect people against diseases. Read More