The Inequality Assignment

Description of Assignment

This assignment consists of a 7-paragraph paper, with specific formatting requirements, wherein you demonstrate your ability to apply what you’ve learned about the conflict and functionalist theoretical perspectives in this course to data (in the form of Tables) from the Central Texas Sustainability Project (CTSIP).



Your objectives in this paper are to identify patterns in the CTSIP numerical data (presented as 3 Tables) and then apply each of the theoretical perspectives to explain why you think these patterns exist.



Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Other Tips
A5 for definition A2 for definition May want to include information from pp. 274-279, “How is America Stratified?
28-29 Durkheim 33-34 Conflict
32-33 Parsons 34-35 Feminist Theory
202-209 Functionalist Approaches to Deviance and Social Control 25-27 Marx May want to incorporate a discussion of the different forms of rhetoric of equality (ontological, condition, outcome, opportunity)
NOTE:  There is much, much more about the conflict and functionalist perspectives in Conley’s You May Ask Yourself. These suggestions and tips are intended to get you started thinking about how to analyze the Tables from the CTSIP.
If I were writing this paper, I would give the paper the title: Who Can Afford Health Insurance?


Inequality: A Sociological Analysis

Assignment Overview:

The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate your ability to synthesize numerical data and sociological perspectives. Throughout the semester, we have been developing our understanding of the Conflict and Functionalist perspectives. In this exercise, you will use the data attached from the Central Texas Sustainability project (CTSIP), a comprehensive evaluation of sustainability indicators in Central Texas, to identify patterns in numerical data and then apply each of the perspectives in explaining why these patterns exist.

Below is a suggested outline to help guide your development of the paper. Please pay particular attention to the rubric given on the following page, as it provides specific information on where your points will come from and what I will be looking for.


Paragraph 1 Introduction State the issue and concept of what you will be presenting.
Paragraph 2 Data State patterns in the data (below) and extrapolate possible social connections focusing on health disparities and inequality.
Paragraph 3-6 Theory/Data Give a brief review of each theory (Conflict and Functionalism). Apply each theory as it relates to the data given by the CTSIP.
Paragraph 7 Conclusion


Synthesize conclusion of material focusing on the social implications present from the data. Elaborate on how these patterns relate to the larger society.


Suggested Outline:


Formatting Requirements:

The assignment must adhere to the following formatting requirements:

  • The paper must be at least 2 pages (no more than 5 pages)
  • The paper must be submitted in PDF format
  • The paper must be written in 12 point Times New Roman font
  • The paper must be double spaced
  • All page margins must be 1 inch
  • Any text or other sources that paraphrased, quoted, or used for general guidance must be cited appropriately, using any conventional citation method you are familiar with (e.g., APA, MLA, ASA, etc.).

Assignment Rubric:

Element of Paper Maximum

point value

What I am looking for
Critical Thinking    
Introduction states issue 4 A paper with a clear introduction that identifies the issue
Presentation of information 4 A paper that examines the evidence and its relevance
Consideration of context and perspectives 4 A paper that recognizes the context and multiple perspectives
Logical progression of argument 4 A paper that logically presents perspectives with use of data
Conclusion with implications 4 A paper with a clear conclusion that addresses the implications of the data
Communication Skills    
Addresses all elements 4 A paper that shows awareness of perceptions and assumptions
Level of organization


4 A paper that is organized and cohesive
Demonstrates awareness of concepts 4 A paper that demonstrates awareness of multiple perspectives
Use of relevant content 4 A paper that utilizes relevant data in an appropriate manner
Clearly delivers material and thoughts 4 A paper that presents a clear transmission of meaning and thought
Empirical/Quantitative Skills    
Identifies numerical facts 4 A paper that identifies appropriate numerical data
Synthesizes numerical data 4 A paper that synthesizes numerical facts into perspectives
Analyzes numerical data 4 A paper that analyzes numerical data and its implications


Social Responsibility    
Acknowledges other perspectives 4 A paper that acknowledges multiple perspectives
Applies other perspectives 4 A paper that applies multiple perspectives to the concept
Acknowledges relation of perspective to community


4 A paper that acknowledges how perspectives relate to society
Applies analysis to community 4 A paper that applies, in detail, the perspectives to society
Total Points 68



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