Environmental protection was the most important reform in the United States between 1945 and 1980
1500 words, at least 4 secondary and 2 primary sources
- Introduction
Thesis: environmental protection was the most important reform in the United States between 1945 and 1980.
- Key events associated with the environmental protection reform
- Analysis of the political / legal aspects of the reform
- Political leaders and government programs associated with environmental protection reform
- Assessment of the social aspects of the reform
- Social leaders and movements associated with environmental protection reform
- Reasons why some Americans may have resisted the environmental protection reform
- Ways in which environmental protection reform affected different social groups
- Ways in which environmental protection reform changed the nature of American society as a whole
- Evaluation of the reform’s successes, failures, controversies, and complications
- Shortcomings and complications of the environmental protection reform effort
- Conclusion