In this final paper, you are asked to apply all you have learned from the family
systems theories in analyzing a case you have handled or are handling. It aims to help you to integrate the theoretical concepts in an actual case. The analyses and discussion of intervention should be drawn from you learning through the assigned reading, lectures, videos, discussions, etc.
Address each of the following questions in your paper.
You should give background information of the family, the agency setting, and the circumstance under which the family sought help or was referred for service.
1) State clearly and succinctly the presenting problem(s) of this family, that is, what caused them to come in for help or be referred by others for help.
2) Analyze the case and suggest some intervention strategies using concepts from at least two schools of family therapy you have learned in this course addressing the following aspects:
problems you have noted in this family.
This section is the major bulk of the paper and should constitute at least 5-6 pages.
3) What are some of the strengths of the family that you have observed, which could be mobilized?
4) Address the impact of the ecological contexts or the larger systems on the family. What are some of its resources and limitations for this family?
5) How may diversity issues affect the functioning of the family, if applicable?
6) Do you see issues that warrant advocacy for the family, which otherwise would be a violation of the basic human rights of the client/family and social justice?
7) What are some of the interface issues, including your own background (cultural or otherwise, similar to or different from the family) and counter-transference that you have to face in working with this family? Are there ethical dilemmas you may have to face as well? How have you handled them or plan to do so?
You may give the background information of your case by integrating it into your paper as you address the above questions. Or, you can write the case summary first, then analyze it according to the above guiding questions. The APA style of citation is expected if you cite references.
Do not give detailed explanation of the concepts, the main point is to apply the
concepts in analyzing your case.
You can cite references if it is appropriate and helpful in advancing understanding of the point you are making in relation to the case situation.
General Instructions:
Criteria for Evaluating the Paper:
1) The paper addresses each part of the questions and demonstrates understanding of the concepts.
2) The response shows familiarity with materials covered in the readings, lectures, videos and discussions.
3) The paper demonstrates efforts in integrating the learned concepts with case materials.
4) Relevant case materials or evidences are cited in support of your analyses and assessment. However, do not repeat some of background information provided in the case summary.
5) The stated treatment goals and suggested intervention strategies are specific and relevant in facilitating change and are family systems oriented instead of individually oriented.
6) The writing is grammatically correct and organized in a clear and logical fashion.
7) Compliance with the page limit and format.
8) Demonstration of competence according to the grading rubric towards the end of the syllab