Write a 500 word essay on exactly one (1) question of your choice from the three questions that appear below. All three questions on the exam are taken directly from the Study Questions for this exam.
Illustrate the points in your essay by quoting key passages from the text. Use quotation marks around the material you take from the text, and use simple in-text citation format, e.g., (Pojman 31). Closely connect the essay to the text, while relying primarily on your own wording. Demonstrate to the reader that you have carefully read the text.
Outside sources may be consulted, but use your own words–do not copy and paste from any source–and use quotation marks and appropriate citation if you choose to use any outside source. You should be able to answer any questions well by relying on the text and the instructor prepared materials that are available here on Canvas.
no “block text” submissions. College-level writing requires the use of paragraphs. Be sure that you format your essay into paragraphs before you hit “Submit.”
Make sure that you do not click on “Submit” before you are completely finished with your exam. Once you hit Submit, your exam is complete, and what you submit will be what is graded by the instructor (me). Commit to your final answer before you submit: to submit is to completely commit to what you submit.
Avoid missing assignments and late assignments like the plague. Late work will not be accepted at all, or will be penalized (depending on the Canvas settings for the particular assignment).
Here are the questions:
1. What are the key ideas of natural law absolutism? What is the purpose of the doctrine of double effect? What is the doctrine of double effect? (Answer this question in your own words.)
2. State and explain the argument for moral objectivism that is based on the existence of universal human needs and interests. (Answer this question in your own words.)
3. Would you enter the Happiness Machine if you were given the opportunity? What reasons would you give for your decision? (Answer this question in your own words.)
Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong, 8th edition