Faculty of Business and Law
Department of AEF
assessment brief
Module Code: | |
Module Title: | Advanced Management Accounting |
Submission Deadline: | |
Assessment Component | B |
Assessment Weighting: | 20 per cent of total module mark |
Assessment Instructions
Coursework (Component B) is a portfolio of exam standard questions. The referral coursework consists of the following submissions: ·An on-line DEWIS test and a Blackboard submission of all workings for the on-line Dewis test including the graphs for Parts (a) and (b) as well as all your workings for Part (c) of the DEWIS test; and ·A reflection on the reasons for failing portfolio at first attempt (500 max words reflection). You will be able to access Component B (DEWIS) on Blackboard under the Referral Coursework tab in due course. DEWIS Test: The weighting of the DEWIS assessments is 90% of the total coursework mark. The Dewis assessments will consist of an on-line Dewis test (70% of the total Dewis assessments mark); and a Blackboard submission of all workings for the on-line Dewis test including the graphs for Parts (a) and (b) as well as all your workings for Part (c) of the DEWIS test (30% of the total Dewis assessments mark). Dewis on-line test You can view and print out your personalised assignment in DEWIS by accessing the ‘Accessing the DEWIS test – read only version’ link. However, you will be unable to submit it though this link. You should submit your solutions for the DEWIS test via the ‘Accessing the DEWIS test – submit version’ link. Please note that you may enter this test as many times as you like, but you can SUBMIT your answers only once. You will be unable to resubmit it. Blackboard Dewis submission You need to submit all your workings for the on-line Dewis test via Blackboard including your graphs for Part (a) and Part (b) of the DEWIS test, clearly showing your solutions. In particular, your graphs should clearly show: a feasible region; your optimum solution; in what direction you should move your iso-profit line (sample profit line); and all lines on the graphs should be clearly labelled. Also, you need to submit via Blackboard all your workings for Part (c) of the DEWIS test (from the first Tableau to the final Tableau). Please note that the graphs for Parts (a) and (b); and the workings for Part (c), should show how you have arrived at your solutions in the on-line Dewis test. Your answers on the DEWIS system should NOT be different to your graphs/workings. Otherwise, you will lose marks for this submission. DEWIS SCENARIO: Park Furnishings manufactures school and university classroom furniture. The company has two production plants, located at Easton and Weston. The Easton plant produce tables and chairs and the Weston plant produces desks and computer workstations. All Park products are manufactured using finished pressed wood and polished aluminium fittings. To create individual assignments, the information concerning availability of labour, pressed wood and numbers of aluminium fittings available along with production times for each table, chair, desk and workstation are available via the DEWIS system. The same is true of the unit profit for chairs, tables, desks and workstations. Park is considering combining operations of both plants into a single factory. This consolidation will have the advantage of combining all available production resources as well as reducing administration costs. However, this will require renovating and equipping the factory to cope with combined production. Due to the current financial position, Park Furnishings is only prepared to go ahead with the combined operation if it saves money in the first year of operation. The precise details of the costs and administrative savings are also available to you via the DEWIS system. The link to your personalised data is available via the Assignments Section on Blackboard for this module. Your task Solve the aforementioned problem for Park Furniture giving optimal monthly production schedules for each of its plants operating separately and as a combined plant. From your analyses, recommend whether or not Park’s operations should be combined into a single plant. Reflection The weighting of the 500 words reflection on reasons for failing portfolio at first attempt is 10% of the total coursework mark. |
Marking Criteria
Marking Scheme for the on-line DEWIS test: Part (a): 32 marks; Part (b): 32 marks; Part (c): 36 marks. Marking Scheme for the paper-based DEWIS submission: Part (a): 30 marks; Part (b): 30 marks; Part (c): 40 marks |
N/A |
Word Limit
500 max words for the reflection on reasons for failing portfolio at first attempt. |
N/A |
Instructions for submission
DEWIS: You should submit your solutions for the on-line DEWIS test via DEWIS (through the ‘Accessing the DEWIS test – submit version’ link, under the Referral Coursework tab). The graphs and workings for the DEWIS test should be submitted on the AMA Blackboard site under the Resit Materials tab. Reflection You should submit your 500 words reflection on the AMA Blackboard site under the Resit Materials tab. |
For the on-line DEWIS submissions, marks and detailed individual feedback will be available immediately after the submission. |
Further Guidance
Guidance on study skills: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/studysupport/studyskills.aspx Support from the FBL Academic Success Centre (2B076): http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/bl/bbs/aboutus/studentexperience/academicsupportcentre.aspx Guidance on UWE assessment regulations and terminology: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/academicadvice/assessments/assessmentsguide.aspx Guidance on using the library: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/library/usingthelibrary.aspx |
Extenuating Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek advice from a Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity. Please note the module leader cannot grant extenuating circumstances or extensions. Appointments with a student adviser can be made via an Information Point or online at: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/academicadvice/studentadvisers.aspx The Student Support Adviser will advise as to whether you should submit an application for ‘Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the application. Further details on ECs can be found here: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/academicadvice/assessments/extenuatingcircumstances.aspx |