7″- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Americans with Disabilities Act Individualized Education Program Equal Pay Act Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
i. Are there patterns to the expansion of rights and the expansion of liberties? Under that circumstances do governments most often support the expansion or contrac-tion of one over the other?
2. Is the “Fairness Doctrine” a desirable public policy? What are the implications of not having the doctrine for speech? How would speech differ if the Doctrine were reinstated? Should it apply only to radio and television, or should it apply to print and online media as well?
3. Should spending in political campaigns be regulated or should individuals and groups be allowed to spend whatever they choose?
4. Should people be allowed to opt out of having their health information recorded as electronic health records?
5. Do female—male wage differentials exist due to generational trends, or are they due to deeper institutional issues? Can we conceive of differences in male and female earnings as a commitment problem on the part of employers and the government?
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