This module introduces the basic concepts of research approaches and research design. We will review different philosophical views, the types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs, and the relationships among philosophy, designs, and methods. We will also discuss how to select a research approach for your future research.
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
State the definition and the characteristics of mixed methods research
Explain the 3 core mixed methods designs and compare them.
Select the appropriate design, based on outcomes, data, timing, and researcher.
To achieve these objectives: read [Chapter 10 of the textbook]; review/watch[Module 7 Resources]; and complete the [Final Project][Discussion Forum].
Sparr, J. L., Knipfer, K., & Willems, F. (2016). How leaders can get the most out of formal training: The significance of feedback‐seeking and reflection as informal learning behaviors. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28, 29-542.
Yawson, R. M., & Greiman, B. (2016). A systems approach to identify skill needs for agrifood nanotechnology: A multiphase mixed methods study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 27,517-545.
Jara, I., Claro, M., Hinostroza, E. J., Martin, E. S., Rodriguez, P., Cabello, R., et al. (2015). Understanding factors related to Chilean students’ digital skills: A mixed methods analysis. Computers & Education, 88,387-398.