Report on placement and improvement
Write a report on what improvement Barts Health trust NHS Finance Department can do to improve Barts Health trust NHS and they’re department
3.1 Methodology of Project:
Consider: what you intend to do: overview approach: which investigative method (questionnaire, focus group, semi-structured interview, secondary data) and academic defence for using this method.
This should read like a recipe of what to do to accomplish this project with academic support for choices made.
Remember that if a stranger could not replicate your project from this chapter, it is not a methodology!
3.2 Research Questions (qualitative) or Hypotheses (quantitative) These are areas or investigation or predictions of what you think you will find.
They are pivotal as you will map them onto the questionnaire with perhaps 3 or 4 questions relating to each Research Question or hypothesis.
Eg: H1 it will be found that employees will prefer nonfinancial rewards
RQ1 Will employee prefer nonfinancial rewards?
[N.B. a hypothesis will not prove or disprove: only find or not find]
3.3 Access organised: how you managed access to the population
3.4 Sampling: who will you access to conduct your research? Why are you accessing these participants? Have you matched by gender/age/rank in the organisation?
What will participants be told? Remember you do not want them to know the details of your research ~ just enough to be able to give informed consent to participation.
3.5 Evaluation / Analysis How you will evaluate. State clearly how you will analyse the data and which statistical test/s you will use (quantitative) and how you will evaluate qualitative data: your process of coding and grouping to identify themes.
3.6 Limitations: your project is limited by time, by researcher bias, by small sample size and perhaps even by the social desirability effect of participants trying to be helpful or not wanting to own up to behaviours they feel you may not approve of.
The limitation of a young or older population or purely university students who cannot be said to be representative of the whole population are also limiting factors.
Accept that your research is a pilot or snap shot and will offer indicators for further research but is not likely to have a resounding impact on your chosen field just yet.
3.7 Ethics: All WBS research, whether conducted by students or staff, has to comply with our codes of ethics and you should demonstrate that you have considered any harm that could be caused to your participants. You should have completed your Part A ethics form with your proposal in February. If you have not: send it to your Academic Supervisor as soon as possible!
Part A Ethics Forms are in the Proposal and Overview workshop materials.