Below are two assignments from the same reading (no need to read twice FYI.)
Assignment 1:
Read Chapter 6 part 1 and part 2
Read Article 1 – The Great Attrition is making hiring harder…
Write a ONE page overview of the article above and identify two items:
One topic that surprised you
One that you found to be convincing
No formal format needed, just a one-page overview with the above two items. No reference neither as it is from the attached article 1.
Assignment 2:
From the above Chapter 6 part 1 and part 2
Reflect on what attracted you to your current employer. Share how you knew about this organization would be good choice for you. Has your experience as an employee aligned to your perception as an applicant?
Write a ONE pagesummary to answer the above. No format needed as this is for a discussion board.