Produce a short visual/multimodal text that offers a tutorial to incoming or soon-to-graduate SDSU students.
Class members will study multiple infographics using insight about rhetorical strategies and methods of organization gained from these sample infographics to craft their own infographics.
Audience—essentially, your audience consists of a specific group that is part of the SDSU Community: incoming or soon-to-graduate SDSU students
Genre—students are asked to produce an Infographic that accomplishes the assignment’s purpose (see below).
Purpose— To offer a tutorial that shows your audience how to do and/or learn something that will help them find “success” as an SDSU student. The topic possibilities are pretty open. It’s your choice. Some topic possibilities can be:- How to cook a date night meal- How to apply to grad schools or internships- Finals Week stress release exercises or tips – How to prepare for life after SDSU- Choosing a Major- How to choose a college roommate or housemate