Calah Alexander(464) and Crystal Liechty(467): Answer each of the following questions with through detail.
1. What is the thesis or argument of Calah Alexander’s “The Dangers of Princess Culture”?
2. What evidence does Alexander provide to support herposition? Provide at least three examples of specific evidence.
3. What exactly does Alexander think is dangerous about Disney’s princesses?
4. What is Liechty’smain point? Why does she disagree with Alexander?
5. What evidence does Liechty provide to back up herclaims? Give at least three specific examples of evidence used by Liechty.
6. Putting aside your own personal opinions and beliefs, which author provides the most convincing argument? Why do you think so?
7. Examine the tone and word choice of each article. Is one more fair and balanced in its tone than the other? Why or why not?8. Brainstorm a list of at least five possible controversial topics you could ground in one or both of these articles.