Prepare an annotated bibliography of recent scholarly journal articles (within five years) relevant to criminal procedure and topics addressed in any of the chapters/topics we will cover during the semester. Five (5) citations from refereed journals are to be prepared with an annotation of approximately one-half page, each (Times New Roman font, 12-point type, single spaced). Each citation/reference must conform to APA (6th ed.)
List of topics:
(Law, Crime, Courts, and Controversy), Federal Courts, State Courts, Juvenile Courts, The Dynamics of Courthouse Justice, Prosecutors, Defense Attorneys, Judges, (Defendants, Victims, and Witnesses), From Arrest and Bail through Arraignment, Disclosing and Suppressing Evidence, Negotiated Justice and the Plea of Guilty, Trails and Juries, Sentencing, Appellate and Habeas Corpus Review.