Topic: Evidence linking earnings and returns / Ball and Brown replication
Prepare a two-page synthesis in illustrative form for each paper that includes each one of these answers.
Internal validity (the probability that observed changes in the independent variable are indeed responsible for variation in the dependent variable)
Construct validity (the degree to which proxy measures of the constructs represent the construct of interest)
External validity (the degree to which the study’s findings can be generalized to other populations of subjects and settings)
When answers how Evidence linking earnings and returns compare to how Ball and Brown Replication. Write 4 pages (1) Page Summary for each paragraph topic below.
Nichols and Wahlen 2004 (Evidence linking earnings and returns / Ball and Brown replication)
Nichols and Wahlen 2004 (The importance of persistence / Kormendi and Lipe replication)
Nichols and Wahlen 2004 (Do earnings numbers provide new information to the market? / Extension of Kormendi and Lipe)
Nichols and Wahlen 2004 (Market efficiency with respect to earnings news / Replicatichoon of Bernard and Thomas 1989)