Complete the following to provide the analysis required by the CEO:
1-identify the financial records that indicate a commitment to TBL.
-Outline which financial and other records marketing and sales maintain where TBL can provide data.
2-Using the TBL scorecard, evaluate the alignment of the strategic plan with KPIs. Remember, there may be multiple outcomes of this exercise.
-Which ideas in the plan support the KPI criteria? Cite specific ideas that meet the criteria.
-Explain how they meet the criteria.
3-in your memo:
-describe how the TBL data relates to the KPIs.
-Identify which additional TBL financial line items are needed to measure the cost for each criterion. For example, should there be a line entry for hiring temporary workers?
-Referring back to the SWOT analyses from Project One (attached), explain how functional considerations of individual departments contribute to financial performance.