For this first short essay assignment view Roman Polanski’s 1971 film version of Macbeth and- a short essay-not less than four paragraphs but not more than six paragraphs in length–that explores why you think this play, like many other Shakespeare plays, resonated so much with Americans in the nineteenth century.
To get started, watch Macbeth using the first link that follows below. Find that the captions included with the film will increase your understanding of what is being said. You may also view the film by clicking on the video box in the course home page. You can also click on the second link below to read a plot summary of the play.
Watch Roman Polanski’s Macbeth (2 hours, 20 minutes) c’
Click Here for a Plot Summary of Macbeth from CliffsNotes
Our chapter two author, Lawrence Levine, writes (p. 65) that
Whatever Shakespeare’s own designs, philosophy, and concept of humanity were, his plays had meaning to a nation that placed the individual at the center of the universe and personalized the large questions of the day Shakespeare’s characters–like the Davy Crocketts and Mike Finks that dominated American folklore and the Jacksons, Websters, Clays and Calhouns who dominated its politics–were larger than life: their passions, appetites, and dilemmas were of epic proportions.
Before beginning your essay take a brief tour of the links that follow this short essay link, each of which provides information on one of the legendary American figures that Levine listed above:
Materials on Davy Crockett (1786-1836)
Mike Fink (ca. 1770/1780-ca. 1823) on the Patriot’s History of the United States website o
Materials on Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)
Daniel Webster (1782-1852) on
Henry Clay (1777-1852) from the University of Virginia’s Miller Center c
John C. Calhoun (1782-1850) on
You can access each of the above links by clicking on “Next” in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. and continuing to click on “Next” to move to the next link. Click on “Previous” in the lower left-hand corner of your screen whenever you wish to move back a link. You can also take a shortcut to each link by clicking directly on its title in the list above.
Once you have familiarized yourself with these prominent figures in American society and political life in the nineteenth century and watched Polanski’s version of Macbeth. please go on to answer the following question with a short essay of four to six paragraphs in length:
What do the characters of King Macbeth and even his wife. Lady Macbeth. have in common with legendary American figures of the nineteenth century such as Davy Crockett, Mike Fink, Andrew Jackson. Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun?
Do the popularity of these real-life men in nineteenth-century America explain why the play Macbeth was so popular in this country at this time? Explain.
You will also find this handout after the links to the six legendary Americans that follow this short essay link in this module.