Please follow the below general instructions:
This paper should be based on the pre-determined topic used in your topic related HW assignments.
Copy and paste the bolded headings and italicized questions below into a separate document.
Below each heading/subheading/question, discuss your answer to the questions asked/instructions provided.
Style and tone should be professional, clear, and free of any errors in spelling, grammar or organization.
Be sure to use distinct paragraphs and do not use any direct quotes.
If it is appropriate (eg – steps in sampling strategy, steps in contacting subjects) – you may list information, but still keep style and tone formal.
The paper should be double-spaced, standard margins. You should number your pages, there is no need for a running header.
Causal: can you control for threats to causal/internal validity, and if so, how? (eg- control group)
This is one of the most important sections of your paper! You are explaining how you will get accurate measures of subjects recidivism, LE decisions, prosecutor decisions, deterrence of punishment, suspect behavior etc, and how you will accurately demonstrate that one variable causes another (eg- incarceration leads to higher truancy rates, suspect attitude causes arrest etc).
Your methods assignment should serve as the starting point for this section. Also refer back to readings, PPTs and class notes relating to the method you have selected, and relating to causal and measurement validity. Re-read the textbook chapter on your chosen method.
Ethics: 15% (approx. 1-2 pp)
Discuss ethical concerns and how they will be addressed.
List each of the following ethical concerns, and address how your research design addresses each one: harm, informed consent, incentives, anonymity/confidentiality, deception, special populations).
Assess each guideline – note how you will meet each and mitigate any concerns, and provide justification for any issues that may be problematic. If one does not apply, note this (eg – if not using incentives, note this, do not skip over it).
Refer back to your CITI training, readings, PPTs and class notes.
Appendix: Survey instrument, or interview schedule, or structured observation checklist 10%
Attach your experiment hypotheticals/pre-or-post-test survey, survey instrument, interview schedule, or observational checklist.
Your instrument should be detailed, well organized, and attractive.
Keep in mind all considerations regarding flow, question construction, instructions for subjects etc. Include categories for all forced choice questions/structured observations.
The questions/items included should provide comprehensive, valid measures of your key concepts.
In your Methods sections you should discuss your specific questions/ structured observations. This section is is the final instrument you would use if you conducted your study.
If you have a mixed methods design you should have an appendix for each:
(eg: if you use interviews and observation you need: Interview schedule =Appendix A, Structured Observation = Appendix B).
Ref List: 5 %
APA Style