ADMN 206 – Leadership Development

Each section should be clearly identified with headings, and each question should be answered in separate sub-headings & paragraphs.
The leadership vision is to build relationships, motivate and influence people.
ADMN 206

1. Leadership Skills (Administrative, Interpersonal, Conceptual). [Select one] (LO4)
O Administrative (managing people, managing resources, showing technical competence)
O Interpersonal (being socially perceptive, showing EI, managing interpersonal conflict)
O Conceptual skills (creating vision, strategic planning, problem solving).
2. Advancing diversity and inclusion – Leader Practices (LO7)
3. Creating a constructive climate (CC) – Factors that contribute to CC (LO8)
4. Empowering and motivating followers. – Task oriented style or relationship-oriented style [Select one]. (LO9)
Create a plan to develop in each of the four core leadership skill areas listed above.

Select skills that you think will be most useful to learn and practice for where you are at in your personal leadership development & which align with your leadership vision. The development of these core skills
will contribute to your success as a leader.
1. For each of the four core leadership skill that you select, you must:
a. Identify one practical steps to develop in each of the selected skill: (12 marks)
Use separate sub-headings for each of your core leadership skill
Explain how developing this skill will help you achieve or progress towards achieving your leadership vision. (4 x 1 mark)
● Develop a plan for executing these practical steps (i.e., how will you actually accomplish these practical steps). Executing these steps may occur after the semester is over (4 x 1 marks).
● Identify how you will measure successful progress in each skill area. (4 x 1 mark)
Following are a few example:
Specific date and situation where you will test or practice your skill.
Leverage a mentor (peer, instructor, friend), and gain validation of
your growth in the selected skill.
b. Identify two reading materials that will increase your knowledge and/or understanding of your selected skills. (4 marks)
A leader is a reader!
O List the title of the work and its author(s) (2 marks).

O Describe the reasons why you have selected these materials (2
Part D should be no longer than two (2) pages.

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