Output requirements. List three different reports, results of a calculation, or other outputs.
i. Output #1
ii. Output #2
iii. Output #3
b. Input requirements.
i. List the main data elements required to create output #1
ii. List the main data elements required to create output #2
iii. List the main data elements required to create output #3
c. Processing requirements (at least one must have a decision associated with it)
i. Processing required to create Output #1
ii. Processing required to create Output #2
iii. Processing required to create Output #3
II. Technical Requirements (introductory paragraph and 3 requirement statements listed for each area below) [Jawahar, p. 95]
a. Security requirements
b. System control requirements
c. Performance requirements
d. Business continuity requirements (backup, restart, recovery)
III. System Scope Diagrams (introductory/explanatory paragraph and 2 diagrams) [a good explanation and example is at
a. Context Diagram [explanation in Conger, p.228; use example in Conger, p.229. Figure 7.2]
b. Use Case Diagram [use example in weblink above]
IV. Data Flow Diagram (introductory/explanatory paragraph and diagram) [Week 4 Content module and weblinks]
a. Data Flow Diagram [explanation in Conger, p.228; use example in Conger, p.230, Figure 7.3; use the tips located in the assignment folder (DFD_Tips.pdf)]
V. Process Models (introductory/explanatory paragraph and 3 items below) [Week 4 Systems Analysis Course Module]
a. Structured English [use example in Systems Analysis Course Module, Process Description Tools]
b. Decision Table [use example in Systems Analysis Course Module, Process Description Tools]
c. Decision Tree [use example in Systems Analysis Course Module, Process Description Tools]