Essay Topic
Decreasing antibiotic therapy regimens: To be good antibiotic stewards, it is important to make sure your patients are taking the right antibiotic and for the correct amount of time. In some cases, shortening the duration of antimicrobial therapy might be an important strategy for reducing antimicrobial resistance. What is the rationale behind this, is it a good idea, and when might this be appropriate?
Additional things to consider when engaging the assignment
There are many issues in science that are considered controversial. The solution to a given problem is not always clear. Fortunately, studies are conducted to assess the problem at hand and possible mitigation strategies. Unfortunately, many studies can be conflicting. It is our job as scientists and critical thinkers to sift through the data presented to us, so we can make educated decisions and recommendations based on our analyses of the data. It is time to start comparing the conflicting data that is presented to the scientific community and put your analyses down on paper in the form of a review. Consider the following:
I have attached a target rubric that the professor will be following to grade the paper so if you can please look at this target rubric, so I can have a successful paper
Plus, I have attached a paper that was grading based on the target rubric that was scored a B+ as an example for you to follow so please take these 2 documents I attached into considerations
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