Contingency Tables and Interrelationship Analysis
Quantitative Analysis Report: Crosstabulation And Correlation Analysis Assignment
You will take part in several data analysis assignments in which you will develop a report using tables and figures from the IBM SPSS® output file of your results. Using the resources and readings provided, you will interpret these results and test the hypotheses and writeup these interpretations.
As doctoral students, your assignments are expected to follow the principles of high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding in the field of public administration.
Apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and empirical research, articulating what is known about the phenomenon and ways to advance research about the topic under review.
Research syntheses should identify significant variables, a systematic and reproducible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies included in the larger analysis.
Address the following research question using crosstabulations with the appropriate measure of association:
RQ 1: Is there a significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government?
RQ 2: Is there a significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with the policies and practices of senior leaders and the overall quality of work done by the employee’s work unit?