Assignment 4 Final

Question #1: [RStudio Users and Excel Users]

The FINAL EXAM dataset provides some information about hospitals in 2011 and 2012. Download the FINAL EXAM data and then complete the descriptive table.

Answer the following questions.

In terms of hospital characteristics, what are the significant differences between 2011 and 2012?

In terms of socio-economic variables what are the significant differences between 2011 and 2012?

(To report the “Per Capita Hospital Beds to Population”, you need to divide “total_hospital_beds/tot_population)

Based on your findings, in which years did hospitals have better performance? How is hospital performance related to hospital characteristics and socio-economic characteristics?

Write at least three main differences between 2011 and 2012.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics between hospitals in 2011 & 2012

2011 2012 p-value

N Mean St. Dev N Mean St. Dev

Hospital Characteristics

Hospital beds

Number of paid Employees

Number of non-paid Employees

Interns and Residents

System Membership

Total hospital cost ($)

Total hospital revenues ($)

Hospital net benefit ($)

Available Medicare days

Available Medicaid days

Total Hospital Discharge

Medicare discharge

Medicaid discharge

Socio-Economic Variables

Per Capita Hospital Beds to Population

Percent of population under poverty

Percent of Female population under poverty

Percent of Male population under poverty

  1. Median Household Income ($)

(Hospital net benefit= Hospital revenues – Hospital costs). Round all mean and standard deviation figures to the nearest whole number; round p values to 2 decimal places.

(Per Capita Hospital Beds to Population = Total_hospital_beds/ Tot_population)


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