Watch the following short documentary entitled “The Rich, The Poor and The Trash”. answer the following questions:
1) Identify what you feel are the most important points/information this documentary is providing. Identify at least three points clearly and directly from the documentary.
2) Environmental issues have become major concerns for the future of this planet. How do these issues relate to the values and ethics of the social work profession?
3) What were some of the points made about creativity, art and the human spirit?
4) How does the inequality gap in the country affect the work social workers can do? How does it limit us (if you see any limitations) and if so, how can we overcome or manage them?
5) Why do you think as a society we “consume” and waste so many things? Everything from food waste to needing the latest phone or computer, what are the driving forces behind this?
6) Lastly, how do you personally dispose of trash? Do you recycle? Do you litter in the streets? Are you aware of the amount of products/consumption of productions you and your loved ones process and purchase? Do you feel like you have a responsibility to mankind in being aware/selective of products/disposal of trash that are attributed to you? Be honest…..
write at least three pages using APA format (12 pt font, appropriate margins). NO NEED FOR SOURCES.