For this week’s assignment, you should identify one issue, trend, or change that is impacting the discipline/professional field for this program. You will find two sources to inform your paper and write a short (1-2 page) essay with a clear three part structure, including a thesis statement. The paper should identify what the issue, trend, or change is and explain its significance for the profession. Since this topic will be one that you continue to explore in Week Three, you should be sure to choose a topic that is substantive enough for a longer paper.
You need to use at least two high-quality sources in the paper. When determining your grade on this assignment, the instructor will consider the quality of the sources you choose. If you are not using appropriate scholarly or trade sources, you will not get full credit for meeting the expectations of the assignment. Additionally, the instructor will consider the degree to which you use the sources to justify any claims that you make in the essay. In sum, there should be some kind of source material integrated into each of the main points of the paper.
To demonstrate your ability to know when and how to both quote and paraphrase, you must incorporate at least one paraphrase (appropriately cited in-text) and one short, but direct, quotation (appropriately cited in-text) in your essay. You will be assessed on the degree to which you appropriately use and integrate each form of source derived evidence.
Submission Requirements
Two high-quality sources
At least one paraphrase (appropriately cited in-text)
One short, but direct, quotation (appropriately cited in-text)
Your paper should use APA style in-text citations and include a reference page for your two (or more) sources.
For this week’s assignment, you will expand your paper on the issue, trend, or change that you identified last week as impacting the discipline/professional field for this program. You will find three additional sources to inform your paper and expand your essay into a more extensive paper (3-6 pp.) that includes a title page, an abstract, an introduction, a review of literature that includes at least two perspectives on the topic, and an expanded summary and conclusions section.
In terms of formatting, the instructor will be looking for a correctly formatted Title Page, Abstract, Paper Body (with Headings for Main Parts of the Paper), and Reference Page. For this assignment, correct formatting is relevant to the number of points you will get both for APA usage and for the application of course content. Thus, it is critical that you follow the steps provided to you in class.
With the additional sources, your paper will need to have at least five high-quality sources (including those from last week). When determining your grade on this assignment, the instructor will consider the quality of the sources you choose. If you are not using appropriate scholarly or trade sources, you will not get full credit for meeting the expectations of the assignment. Additionally, the instructor will consider the degree to which you use your new sources to justify any claims that you make in the essay. There should be source material integrated into each of the main points of the paper.
To demonstrate your ability to know when and how to both quote and paraphrase, in developing this paper, you must incorporate at least one additional paraphrase (appropriately cited in-text) and one additional short, but direct, quotation (appropriately cited in-text) in your essay. Your paper will then have a minimum requirement of two paraphrases and two quotations (including those from last week). To fully document your paper and meet the minimum of five sources, you will need to use at least one more citation – it is your decision as to whether this is a quotation or a paraphrase. You will be assessed on the degree to which you appropriately use and integrate each form of source derived evidence. Your instructor will also look at the formatting of your reference page.