ITSS4353–Assignment–1:Business Analytics Opportunity(100 points)Assignment:As a student in this course you must be able to describe theimportance ofapplyingbusiness analyticsinyourjob/functional area.

1.Pickabusiness problem/opportunityin your job/functionwhere you would use business analytics.

2.Describebusiness decision(s)whereanalyticscan be usedto address thatbusiness problem/opportunity.(For example, you might choose the jobof amanagerin Human Resource Function.The businessproblem/opportunity might bewhether to hire an applicant and whatsalaryto offer).

3.Identify what data would be neededfor makingthosedecisions.(Fortherecruitment example above, the data could be GPA,experience, …)

4.Identify potential sources of that data.(For the HR example, it maybecandidates’ application form,HR database, ..)Write a800-1000 word essaythat addresses theabove fourpoints.Note:Your essay should have an appropriate introduction and conclusion and should adhere to APA style of formatting.Submission Requirements:

•Format for the FileName: LastName_FirstName_Bus Opp. docx(”Word”document)

•Uploadwrite-upat two places: 1. Assignment and 2. Turnitin[20% Penaltyfor non-submissionin Turnitin]Grading Criteria:Your assignment will be assessed using the following criteria.•Content:the writing showed that you understood the questions the instructor asked, you have delivered a well-written paper with an appropriate introduction and conclusion.(80 points)

•Instructions:you followed all the instructions.(5 points)•Formatting(APA Style):the document is professional and formatted correctly.The assignment will specify the accepted length of the paper.You should always include your name on the assignment as well as the title of the assignment.(5 points)

•Citations and References:If you used external references, the full reference is in the proper format with the necessary information.You cited those references appropriately within the content of your paper.If you use external references, you MUST include the full reference.You also need to cite the source within your paper.For citations, you can either directly quote the source when the author has something profound to say or you can reword the information from the source when the author has a unique idea.In either case, give credit to the author for the quotation or the unique idea but the bulk of your paper should be you expounding on the author’s ideas with your own words and ideas.Do not over-cite yourpaper.You should research the topic, process the information you learn, present your response to the assignment in your own words, and support that response with citations from your sources.Do not cite every sentence/paragraph of your assignment.(5 points)

•Spelling and Grammar:there are few or no spelling or grammar errors.Everyone makes mistakes; therefore, you will receive full points if there are minimal spelling and grammar errors.Use correct spelling and grammar.The instructor does check for spelling and grammatical errors.The instructor will not correct spelling and grammar for you, but you will lose points if it is not correct.(5 points)

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