Project Business Case
1. Begin with a summary of the problem and outline the relevant history of performance, impact on
the business, and previous attempts to address the problem. Present your analysis of why
previous efforts have not produced the desired results (noting where efforts have produced gains,
if applicable) or have not been attempted and explain why your proposed approach to the
problem is likely to identify the real causes of the problem and lead to a solution. In your
proposed approach, describe how you plan to engage stakeholders to ensure buy-in and support
for your project and its resulting solutions.
2. Identify the resources needed to complete the project, including data to be collected and
analyzed, headcount changes or personnel assigned to the project, purchase of equipment or
technology, travel to customers, production facilities, or other departments/company locations.
3. Conclude with a cost/benefit analysis showing how the project will produce a positive ROI for
the organization. Include projected payback calculations and explain how the investment needed
to achieve the operational gains will lead to a sustainable and meaningful operational