Here is the Case Study assignment that will be due NLT 2NOV21. The focus of this is on the Mission Command principles.

1) Watch MS401L11 Video – OP Dusty.mp4

2) Apply the principles of mission command to the vignette and write a short paragraph for each principle

3) Identify the elements of Mission Command and Command and Control in the vignette and write one page essay on types of Mission Command and C&C elements you saw and how the element or principle was effective or ineffective to support the unit’s mission. Papers will be 12pt font in Ariel, double spaced. Must discuss at least 4 principles that you felt stood out the most to you.


qMutual Trust

qShared Understanding

qCommander’s Intent

qMission Orders

qDisciplined Initiative

qRisk Acceptance

q Command



§Decision Making







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