Words: 1800
Spelling: Please use ‘s’ instead of ‘z’ in words such as realise instead of realize
For this assessment:

Review a minimum of five (5) to seven (7) current research articles on your selected research topic and question/s.
Author a literature review that analyses and critiques the articles in relation to your selected research topic.
Identify recommendations and gaps in the literature that support your proposed research project questions.
In-depth information about the questions:
Review a minimum of five (5) to seven (7) current research articles on your selected research topic and question/s
Notes: 1. My research topic/question is ‘Educator’s perspectives on the effectiveness of strength-based approach for all families and children’.
2. I have provided 5 articles according to my topic.
Author a literature review that analyses and critiques the articles in relation to
your selected research topic.
Notes: Write literature review of 6 articles (one literature review for each article) and use relevant references in between for each of them.
Identify recommendations and gaps in the literature that support your proposed research project questions.
Note: For instance, inadequate amount of research on the topic in Australia, lack of info based on educator’s perspectives.

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