Phase 1 – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement

CVM Current Features

Identify Current Features of the CVM Program

CVM Functionality

Identify Functionality of the CVM Program Identify the limitations of the program for “Document Warranties” and “Create work list”

Identify the limitations of the program for “See Logged Maintenance”, See Upcoming Maintenance” and “Set up Alerts”” Phase 2 – Competition to CVM Program

CVM Current Competition among available Apps and Software Programs

Three current competition for the program among available mobile apps and software programs.

Research three other competitive programsPhase 3 – Recommendations

CVM Recommendations

Make recommendations on how to further develop the program for scaled use

CVM Potential Applications for New Programs

Develop potential applications for the new and improved program.

CVM Wire Frames and Mockup

Provide wire frames and/or mockups of a new system with improved functionality.

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