1. Problem statement: Low-income families don’t have many ideal resources for child care when working early/late hours. As a result, young children are often left home alone, walking alone to and from school, or waiting alone for school to start or waiting alone to get picked up.
  2. Targeted population:

​Age group:(adolescents )

​Any specific: low-income families/students, those who are unable to afford childcare before and after school

  1. Phase 1: Social Diagnosis

​Ideal goal: Provide resources to low-income students that they would not have ​access to ​​​including daycare before and after school, tutoring, and a safe place to be while waiting for pick up.

​Status quo: we will add citation later

  1. Societal factors that create the gap between ideal and status quo: Financial reasons, high cost of living, expensive after school child care programs, etc.
  2. Theories we will be using to explain this diagnosis: Life Course Theory (Elder, 1989) —> cumulative disadvantage (Dannefer, 2003) —> Social Stratification Theory

Behavioral Factors:

Lack of knowledge from first generations students

Immigrant families

Environmental Factors:



Affiliations with other organizations

Cultural background

Theory: Life Course


By providing students with life skills it will better prepare them for becoming an adult whether during high school, in college, or careers. These life skills will benefit our society as a whole by better educating and preparing them for the adult world. By overcoming the environmental and behavioral factors will allow them to overcome the lack of knowledge from first generation students that come from immigrant families.

  • Phase 3 Predisposing/Enabling/Reinforcing Diagnosis ◦ Predisposing factors:

– Our target populations are students who come from low-income families as well as immigrant families. Students with such backgrounds are not educated when it comes to becoming an adult, they often have to figure it out themselves while being unaware of their resources. Many students are predisposed to lack of resources, lack of adult mentoring, lack of financial support, and lack of emotional support.

◦ Planned Service: What will your program provide?

– Our program will provide life skills for high school students that are otherwise

not taught in school but are necessary to know as an adult. Some of the services include how to budget, healthy nutritional advice, how to file taxes, how to find a job (resumes, your rights, interview skills, etc.), and much more.

◦ Enabling factors

– Our program will provide these young adults life skills they will be able to use

as they emerge adulthood. Enabling factors to make a voluntary behavioral change can reduce stress and fear levels of these young adults who experience no support while they emerge adulthood. We hope they will build a good relationship with the idea of becoming an adult. Doing so will help future generations.

◦ Reinforcing factors

– Showing adolescents good skills, they will be more likely to adapt them into

their everyday life to make sure their transition to adulthood is easier. We will provide transitional support once the students graduate high school, we hope to be a place for students to come to when they need support outside of their academics. We can also provide their families with support as well to ensure the cycle of being unaware doesn’t continue to also help the community grow as well.

  • Conclusive Remarks

◦ How would your program enable and reinforce behavioral changes in targeted

populations to counteract predisposing factors?

– Our program will help eliminate predisposing factors of low-income and first-

generation students by helping them become contributing members of society. Educating these students on life skills will prepare them for adulthood while showing them what to prepare for. Our long term goal is to have the students contribute their knowledge they learned from our program to friends, family, and their community.

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