Influence of COVID-19 on Event Management Practices. Assessing Challenges Faced Due to SOPs (standard operating procedure)

Introduction (Chapter 1 – 500 words). In this section you will frame your research topic. You will set out the main reasons why your chosen topic is worth researching and what you hope to achieve. How will your research focus make a contribution to the business context (for example a company’s goals) and the existing literature? This should be followed by the main research question/project aim. This will be in the form of 3 or 4 objectives to narrow the focus. This should be followed by a brief description of what the upcoming chapters will be about, and your research approach.

Literature review (Chapter 2 – 1500-2000 words). Critically review the literature relevant to the objectives of the project. This will involve a concern for both seminal and contemporary literature, with relevant debates covered and alternative perspectives outlined and critically discussed.

Research Methods (Chapter 3 – 500 words). Discuss the research method(s) used. This will involve a discussion of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods, sampling, reliability and validity, approaches to analysis of data and limitations of the research method(s) used. Secondary research may be used (such as company reports, company web sites, and newspaper and journal articles). It is important that you comment on the validity and reliability of such data. It is also important that ethical issues in researching and managing your project are considered, particularly when you involve primary research (such as interviews, surveys, and observations).

Findings and Analysis (Chapter 4 – 1500-2000 words). Present your key findings. It is important that these are well substantiated and presented in a sensible order, and that key results or issues are clear. If your approach is qualitative, it is important that you give relevant examples of your findings (for example through extracts from interviews you have conducted). If your approach is quantitative, you may include graphs, charts and tables to support your argument (each graph, chart and table must be numbered and clearly titled). When writing up you must “synthesize” the findings. This requires you to critically analyse them with reference to the existing literature and in relation to your project aim and objectives. The key to achieving success is to ensure that you contextualize your discussion with reference to the literature that supports your arguments.

Conclusion (Chapter 5 – 500 words). The conclusion should be used to tie together, integrate and synthesize your findings and discussion in relation to the aim and objectives. This chapter will also include recommendations in terms of theoretical and/or practical implications based on your research findings.

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