Write a below paper as per the guidelines
Write a paper describing 3D printing product and how you would assess an opportunity to this product using a Technology Evolution Model
The paper should contain the following:
What model would you use
Name the model and discuss its constructs (Any one model from below, name the model
and EXPLAIN) how it applies for 3D Printing product) Examples are:
Industrial Development Model
S-Curve Model
Technology Lifecycle Model
Systems Model – Based on the S-Curve Model
What does this model tell you about you 3D printing product:
What are the Market Conditions – Explain
How long will the tech be a leader – Explain
How will it be able to be used it or not used by an organization – Explain
How will we make money on it and recoup our investment – Explain
Any Other points not mentioned could also apply – Explain
Assignment Format: APA format
Submission Format: MS Word
Length: 10- 12 pages (not including cover & references pages)
Citations Required: Mandatory Minimum 2 – 3 scholarly citations and 2 – 3 Professional Citations
Ask the team to produce it without plagiarism, even if it is being extracted from online
sources put it in own words as much as possible.