Your poster and your defence need to demonstrate the following Module Learning Outcomes;
Demonstrate an understanding of quality, current issues and quality improvement in health and social care practice, acknowledging the implications for the service user.
Identify the leadership role of the practitioner in quality improvement
Identification and choice of quality indicator
This is the introduction to your poster where you identify your choice of quality indicator and tell us why you have chosen it. You might want to think about including reference to:
any national standards or indicators, is this indicator of national importance for instance
why is it important to the service user
why it is important to you and the area in which you work
How is this indicator currently measured
In this section you will discuss how your chosen quality indicator is measured in your current area of practice. You might want to consider:
How, who and when the evidence is collected
What happens to the results?
How is service user feedback used in measuring the indicator
You may want to consider what the organisations policy and procedures are for measuring this quality indicator and if this actually happens in your area of practice.
Reflect on current practice and compare to the best evidence based practice
It is expected that you will make comparisons between what currently happens in practice and your evidence review of best practice.
Are there any gaps between current and best practice, why might this be?
Is it due to lack of staff knowledge or attitude, resource or environment limitations or other factors?
Identify ways in which the service could be improved
Consider ways in which the service could be improved to meet best practice in this area, are there any challenges that need to be overcome.
You will also need to consider what your role is in helping to improve the service.
How can service users be involved?
You will need to ensure that you undertake a review of the current evidence regarding your chosen indicator so that you can identify the most up to date evidence base for practice.
You need to ensure that all sections of the poster are supported by references to the current EBP literature.
Ensure that the evidence which you chose is of an appropriate academic standard from peer reviewed journals and textbooks.
Use of web-based evidence should be limited to valid and reliable sources.
The policies and sources of evidence you use in your poster will need to be listed on a separate sheet (could be on the reverse of the poster) in accordance with the Harvard method.
However, each reference should be numbered on the poster and the number used on the poster to identify the section it is supporting.