*Note: Please read all instructions here before uploading your document.
Be sure to upload a Microsoft Word document only (.doc or .docx), as I use a feature called "Track Changes" to provide you with feedback. Additionally, your paper should follow this naming convention before being uploaded: Yourlastname_ABdraft
This draft of your annotated bibliography (AB) should include a correctly formatted title page, your research question at the top of page two, and two sources fully annotated and correctly cited. Remember that you should mainly be paraphrasing your sources, i.e. minimal to no direct quotes for the AB.
Before turning in your draft, be sure that you've thoroughly reviewed the "More Tips for the Annotated BibliographyPreview the document" handout, the Annotated Bibliography 2-Entry Draft Rubric (shown below), and the student samplePreview the document that were all assigned in this week's materials; you should use them as a guide for writing the AB and checking your work before turning in the draft to me. Be sure both of your articles are empirical (research-based) studies so you don't lose points in this area.
When you receive your papers back from me, you should be able to see my notes directly on your paper and comments along the right-hand margins as well.
Again, you can also make use of the University Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for additional feedback throughout the drafting process. I encourage you to reach out to them regardless of how confident of a writer you feel you may be: they do good work and can help you grow and learn about yourself as a writer.
AB 2-Entry Draft Rubric
AB 2-Entry Draft Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocument Formatting & Expectations:
A title page is formatted correctly with the title “Annotated Bibliography” noted on page one. Paper is written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Your research question should be included at the top of page two. Be sure your question is fully developed and cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no."
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Selection:
The two sources must be original research-based articles (empirical articles) published within the past 10 years and be at least 7 pages long; they should also have been found in the EMU databases.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Conventions:
Citations are correctly formatted using APA style. In order to receive full points, each citation should: be alphabetized; have a hanging indent; be double spaced; titles of articles are in “sentence case” (only the first word of the title is capitalized along with the first word after a colon and any proper nouns); the title of the journal is italicized, along with only the volume number; the volume, issue, and page number(s) are provided in correct APA format; a DOI number is provided or the URL of the journal’s homepage if there is no DOI. NOTE: Do not use any EMU database URLs, i.e. DOIs that contain the language "ezproxy.emich.edu."
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation Formatting & Expectations:
Each annotation should be indented and line up under the hanging indent. All entries should be about 250-300 words total. Each entry (annotation) summarizes the study's purpose briefly (1-2 sentences), the methods the authors used to conduct the study (2-3 sentences), and the finding(s) in detail. Limitations within the study are noted. Should be a thorough summation of the source
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Usefulness:
Each annotation contains an evaluation of the source’s usefulness for the literature review assignment. In other words, how does this source help to specifically answer your research question and/or how will you possibly use this source in your literature review?
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Connections & Themes
Each entry notes connections to other sources reviewed (any similarities/differences seen within the texts) and cites those sources with the author(s) name(s) and date of publication within the annotation. These connections may very well help you identify and develop themes/threads across sources in relation to your research question.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectness:
Proofreading is evident and there are few grammar, punctuation, spacing errors.
5 pts
Total Points: 50