BUS-X 204: Business Communications

Analytical Report and Presentation

You will prepare a 15-page analytical report and a 15-minute oral presentation with a team. An analytical report requires you to research a subject, analyze information, draw conclusions, and make recommendations.


This team-based project is designed to provide the opportunity to examine the communication operations of an organization. The organization you select must be willing to provide information and observational opportunities you will need to complete the project. This requires access to the organization and its personnel.


When possible, collect information about the organization before you visit. Use media guides, annual reports, and other publications. Visit the organization’s web site. Also before your visit, organize questions you need to ask. Overall, be prepared and professional. You should make the most of your time with the organization, as it is likely you will have only one opportunity to engage in-person.


Given what you’ve learned in this course, analyze the organization’s communications process. Your analysis may apply to a specific department or division or to the organization as a whole. Remember, it’s not enough to answer the questions. The report should also draw conclusions and make recommendations.


  • Internal and External Communications
  • How is the organization structured to manage internal and external communications?
  • Is this model effective?
  • Explain advantages and disadvantages and where improvements could be made.


  • Organizational Content Decisions
  • How are content or message decisions made in the organization?
  • Who has the ultimate authority to release messages?
  • Are there rules or guidelines about content, format, and delivery?
  • If applicable, are these different for internal and external communications?


  • Organizational Communication Processes
  • How does the organization use the AIM communication planning process?
  • What steps does the organization take when analyzing the message purpose, audience, content, and medium?
  • How are messages written?
  • How are messages reviewed to improve effectiveness?
  • Offer recommendations on how the organization could better implement or enhance these processes.


  • Social Media
  • How does the organization use social media?
  • What purpose and outcomes does the organization hope to achieve by using social media channels? Are they working?
  • Explain advantages and disadvantages of the organization’s social media choices and where improvements could be made.

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