
The research question is: “How does investments in IT value industry level”

Paper details:

Describe very clearly what you want to do and how your topic is connected to IT management and governance. The more clearly you describe your idea, the bigger is the change that we can find a suitable supervisor for this topic. The following items should be specified:

Background – describe the background of your topic, preferably both theoretical, empirical and/or practical.

Literature/Courses – describe the connection to your background, for example literature, theory and methodology related to the topic.

Problem – here you describe the problem you want to address and solve by your work, preferably formulated as a research question.

Method – the method you plan to use in order to solve the problem and answer the research question.

My interests – please note that when you propose your own topic, it is not guaranteed that your topic will be approved. In that case, you will be assigned a different topic by your supervisor. Specify which topics of interest you have, relating to IT management and governance.

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