Paper details:
How do you weigh the costs and rewards in your relationships? What are some rewards you are currently receiving from your closest relationships? What are some costs?
Describe a relationship that you have had where you were either the mentor or mentee. How did the relationship form? What did you and the person gain from the relationship?
Describe a situation in which lying affected one of your interpersonal relationships. What was the purpose of the lie and how did the lie affect the relationship?
Describe a situation in which someone ascribed an identity to you that didn’t match with your avowed identities. Why do you think the person ascribed the identity to you? Were there any stereotypes involved?
Apply at least one of the six dialectics to a recent intercultural interaction that you had. How does this dialectic help you understand or analyze the situation?
Which of the following components of ICC—motivation, mindfulness, flexibility, and tolerance for uncertainty—do you think you need to work on most? Identify some ways that you can improve. Answer the following questions after reading the assigned chapter. Answers should be supported by references from the assigned reading, include supporting examples, and should be in short-answer/paragraph form. Your answers should be detailed enough that anyone could evaluate your work. To submit your work, click on the linked title, create a thread, type your answers, and submit them in the forum.
How do you weigh the costs and rewards in your relationships? What are some rewards you are currently receiving from your closest relationships? What are some costs?
Describe a relationship that you have had where you were either the mentor or mentee. How did the relationship form? What did you and the person gain from the relationship?
Describe a situation in which lying affected one of your interpersonal relationships. What was the purpose of the lie and how did the lie affect the relationship?
Describe a situation in which someone ascribed an identity to you that didn’t match with your avowed identities. Why do you think the person ascribed the identity to you? Were there any stereotypes involved?
Apply at least one of the six dialectics to a recent intercultural interaction that you had. How does this dialectic help you understand or analyze the situation?
Which of the following components of ICC—motivation, mindfulness, flexibility, and tolerance for uncertainty—do you think you need to work on most? Identify some ways that you can improve. n This is the text book link……