Creative writing plus Intertextual Analysis of a film and a miniseries.

‘Intertextuality’ can be defined as considering a relationship between any texts, be it technical, thematic or aesthetic. This relationship leads the viewer/reader to a greater understanding of one text because of the other.

Step 1: Following the viewing and analysis of Athlete A pair this documentary with the Netflix series Unorthodox (Netflix miniseries 2020).

Step 2: In light of the paired texts, you need to create your own text (motivational speech, satirical script, documentary, recorded interview, panel presentation, short story, etc). Your created text can be up to 500 words.

Step 3: Complete a writer’s statement (up to 500 words). You need to analyse intertextual connections between the two texts and explain how the text created in Step 2 was inspired by the paired texts (Athlete A and Unorthodox).

• When you considered Athlete A in relation to your chosen text, which ideas emerged?

• How did these ideas inform/inspire the text you created?

• How did the themes, characters, settings, events and/or perspectives in the two texts influence the text you created?

• Did you seek to use a particular style with your creative piece? Include evidence and consider impacts upon the audience.

• Did you use particular literary techniques with your creative piece? Include evidence and consider impacts upon the audience.

• Include any particular quotes from Athlete A and Unorthodox that you feel backs up your thinking.

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