History in Court: The Progressive Era
The history of politics and government in California has been a story of constant efforts to make government, starting at the most local level, more responsive to the people it serves. The most significant period of reform in California was the Progressive Era, commencing with Hiram Johnson’s election as governor in 1910.
The American voting public of the early 1900s was accustomed to the tenet that the best government was the least government. Progressive era politics changed that belief when government corruption became commonplace. Reformers like Teddy Roosevelt in Washington and Governor Hiram Johnson in California responded to an epidemic of political and civic corruption by expanding the role of government in regulating the economy and in giving citizens, for the first time, direct access to the legislative process.
The movement pushed for extensive reforms in a variety of political, economic, and social spheres but ultimately fizzled out because of quarreling among the leaders. This court case deals with the Progressive Movement in California.
Your role is to play either the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney and argue whether the Progressive Movement was significant to the history of California.
To make your case, use material from Pacific Eldorado, Chapter 9 and at least two outside resources to to write an essay arguing whether the Progressive Movement was significant to the history of California.