1. It is anticipated that EGR functionality will expand to allow consumers to enter data into the system along with direct input of other types of PGD. What are some benefits and challenges associated with this change from the perspective of consumers, providers, and healthcare organizations?

2. Historically, patient records maintained by healthcare institutions did not contain financial data such as charges or incident reports. Should this segregation of patient data be maintained with the implementation of EHRs?

3. Increasingly, patients expect full access to their EMRs and EHRs. What limitations, if any, would be in the best interest of patients? For example, should healthcare providers have access to new test results for 3 full business days before these are posted for patient viewing?

4. How does the introduction of a CPOE system affect communication between healthcare providers (e.g., between pharmacists and physicians or nurses, or between nurses and physicians)? What modifications, if any, should be made in the workflow of the different healthcare providers to adjust for this change in communication patterns?

5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and advantages associated with implementing and using a regional and national EHR.

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