HACCP in Milk and dairy products
1.In relation to your introduction chapter, you will be assessed by the content and quality of your work that introduces the context or background and the reasons why your chosen food science issue is relevant, as well as the specific research objectives or questions that you wish to investigate and comment on.
2.For your literature review, critically review and synthesize the relevant literature on the subject area in order to construct a conceptual framework to underpin the research’. This is evidenced by you in the literature review chapter, which reviews prior literature relevant to your research question. It is judged on how well you have developed and articulated a conceptual framework – a set of theories, concepts and findings that strongly influence your choice of data sources and research methodology.
3.For you methodology, identify the nature of relevant evidence and associated data sources to support the research objectives’.This is judged on how well you develop and present the methodological approach as well as identifying relevant sources of evidence/data in the research design chapter.
4.Apply an appropriate methodology for collecting and analysing primary data with due regard to ethical considerations, and to critically discuss the methodology used for secondary data where applicable’.This will be judged on how well you develop and present your methodological approach as well as identifying relevant sources of evidence/data in the research design chapter.
5.In your discussion, interpret and present data clearly, integrating data from different sources where applicable and critically discussing the findings.
6.In your discussion and conclusions you will apply the implications of the research outcomes to the real world problem that you are seeking to address.This will be judged on how well you have appraised the findings from your data in the discussion chapter and the conclusion chapter.