Maprotiline drug summary
Go to the professional literature and write a 3-4 page summary (excluding references) of the drug in APA format (6th edition) with references. References must be from professional books/journals (you should not use Wikipedia, WebMD, netdoctor or similar web sites). Your paper should include the following information:
1) chemical name/trade names (in my case it is Maprotiline)
2) history of development
3) indications (what’s the drug for?)
4) Summary of basic information about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, specifically
route(s) of administration/absorption, half-life, metabolism, and excretion, dose-response
relationships, and toxicity
5) Mechanisms of actions (how/where does it work in neurobiological terms)
6) Contraindications/side effects. Contraindications are conditions or circumstances that mean a
person is not a candidate to use a particular drug.