Experimental rangeland
1: Proper cover sheet. This should follow the general information required in most Forestry courses, including, but not limited to: title, author, course, instructor name, date and the phrasing the begins “in partial completion of the requirements for XXX….”
2: Title on top of first page of text.
3: The use of headings and subheadings for term papers . These should be used to help organize the paper. Make an outline, use the outline as your headings, and your paper will be well organized. This will also allow the student to develop proper paragraphs.
4: The list of literature and websites used in the paper will be called “Literature Cited”. Any other term that is used will cost you .
5: In text citation. That means last name of author(s) and year in the text
(Smith 2009), not the literature cited section of paper. Two authors? Give both names in text (Smith and Jones 2009 or Smith & Jones 2009). More than 2? Use et al. (in italics) or the phrase “and others” after first author name (Smith et al., 2009 or Smith and others 2009).
6: Failure to provide the proper length required for the paper.
7: Failure to provide citations (no cutting and pasting) for information that is not common knowledge.
8: Failure to provide electronic copy of paper/take home test within required time.
9: The first time you provide the common name for any species of animal or plant, you must provide the scientific name as well right after each common name. .
10: Only 3 on-line citations (non-referred source) may be used; an electronic version of a hard copy publication is allowed. On-line version of refereed publications do not count towards the maximum of three. Any more- 5 pts for each.
11: No quotes. 10 pts off if you do.
12: Page numbers are required (excluding title page). 5 pts.
13: In literature cited section, the order should be alphabetical by author(s), year. Title, source. Pages. 15 points maximum.
14: spp. or sp. are not in italics. et al. is. 5 pts.
15: Papers do not discuss, nor do they present. Don’t put in such lines in your introduction. 5 pts off.