Find a problem in your life that you can solve using the consumer math that you learned in this unit. Most of us have home, car, or education loans for which we sometimes need to calculate payments or time required to repay. Many also have savings accounts or other investments and want to calculate growth in value over a period of time.

Solve the problem:

Use the consumer math learned in this unit to solve your problem. The better you use the appropriate mathematics to correctly solve the problem, the more points you will earn.

Present the problem and your solution to the others in the class:

Post a message in the application discussion forum for this unit. In your message, describe the problem and how you solved it. Use the equation editor as necessary to show the mathematical operations. The better you communicate, the more points you will earn. If you enjoy and know how to use multimedia, such as video, audio, and graphics, you may use those as well, but this is not required.

View and respond to the applications submitted by your classmates.

Pick two of your classmates’ applications that were particularly helpful to you. Write a response to each, explaining in a paragraph or two why their applications helped you better understand the mathematics for this unit or better understand how the mathematics for this unit could be used outside of class.


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